Jumping Frogs

This game is known by various other names such as:
Toads and Frogs, Hares and Tortoise, Sheep and Goats,
Traffic Jam and Hop, Skip, Jump.
The original game has two opposing queues trying to jump past each other.
A 2D variation presents two opposing groups on a grid.

Frog Jumping Puzzle - [digyourowngrave.com]
How to solve a frog puzzle - [YouTube]
The Frog Puzzle: A Solution - [britton.disted.camosun.bc.ca]
Six Jumping Frogs and the Aesthetics of Problem Solving - [thinkingapplied.com]
Jumping Frogs - [delphiforfun.org]
Mr Galloway's Jumping Frogs - [pballew.blogspot.com]
Traffic Jam Applet - [mathforum.org]
Kaeru Jump[2dplay.com]

Albow - Tutorial 06 - [vnon.net]
