Tunnel Route


These are a few selected shots from a full set of 400 photos.
You can see more at Brian MacGregor's bogbain.com website.

002 - Suggested Line of Torvean High Bridge (Blue) / Tunnel (Red)
029 - Torvean High Bridge (Blue) / Tunnel in Quarry Bowl (Red)
672 - Lines across River and Canal - High Bridge (Blue) / Tunnel (Red)
047 - A82 Roundabout and Service Underpass
766 - A82 Roundabout and Service Underpass
892 - New Dunain Quarry, Farm and A82
911 - Dunain Quarry which Planners failed to reveal to Consultants in 2007 Meeting
897 - Dunain Quarry in Heart of SSSI so SNH would not object to Torvean Tunnel Route

These images have been reduced in size (to 1/4 length).
The originals are still available for large screen presentation.