Castle Street
• The direction was changed to clockwise and as well as Castle Street,
the 1-way system includes View Place, Castle Road, and Bridge Street.
• A cycle lane is clearly marked heading down Castle Street,
turning right and across a central island,
and ends up meeting a pedestrian lane and heading to La Tortilla.
• A short length of cycle lane near Zizi's is just long enough
to contain the text End and a cycle system.
This is bad in so many ways.
• Advanced cycle greens added but needs review.
• The pop-up lanes on Castle Road are marked for cyclists.
Almost all others are for pedestrians.
• There is a strong need for a cycling contra-flow lane
...on Castle Street and Bridge Street.
• Many cycling issues at the Ness Bridge junction.
- Cycle green too close to see easily.
Far side cycle green would be more useful.
- Intended routes no intuitive.
• General impression is messy and confusing.
The Doomsdale = "The Valley of Judgement"
Short Cycle Lane turns into Pop-Up Outdoor Cafe
Bridge Street
Cycle Lane or End Cycle Lane?
The End of the 'End'